
From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Webster's Dictionary [1]

(1): ( v. t.) To make or set right; to correct from a wrong, erroneous, or false state; to amend; as, to rectify errors, mistakes, or abuses; to rectify the will, the judgment, opinions; to rectify disorders.

(2): ( v. t.) To refine or purify by repeated distillation or sublimation, by which the fine parts of a substance are separated from the grosser; as, to rectify spirit of wine.

(3): ( v. t.) To produce ( as factitious gin or brandy) by redistilling low wines or ardent spirits (whisky, rum, etc.), flavoring substances, etc., being added.

King James Dictionary [2]

Rec'Tify, L. rectus, right, and facio, to make.

1. To make right to correct that which is wrong, erroneous or false to amend as, to rectify errors, mistakes or abuses to rectify the will, the judgment, opinions to rectify disorders. 2. In chimistry, to refine by repeated distiliation or sublimation, by which the fine parts of a substance are separated from the grosser as, to rectify spirit or wine. 3. To rectify the globe, is to bring the sun's place in the ecliptic on the globe to the brass meridian.
