King James Dictionary [1]
1. To set in a row or in rows to place in a regular line, lines or ranks to dispose in the proper order as, to range troops in a body to range men or ships in the order of battle. 2. To dispose in proper classes, orders or divisions as, to range plants and animals in genera and species. 3. To dispose in a proper manner to place in regular method in a general sense. Range and arrange are used indifferently in the same sense. 4. To rove over to pass over.
Teach him to range the ditch and force the brake.
This use is elliptical, over being omitted.
5. To sail or pass in a direction parallel to or near as, to range the coast, that is, along the coast.
1. To rove at large to wander without restraint or direction.
As a roaring lion and a ranging bear. Proverbs 28 .
2. To be placed in order to be ranked.
'Tis better to be lowly born, and range with humble livers in content -
In this sense, rank is now used.
3. To lie in a particular direction.
Which way thy forests range -
We say, the front of a house ranges with the line of the street.
4. To sail or pass near or in the direction of as, to range along the coast.
RANGE, n. See Rank.
1. A row a rank things in a line as a range of buildings a range of mountains ranges of colors. 2. A class an order.
The next range of beings above him are the immaterial intelligences -
3. A wandering or roving excursion.
He may take a range all the world over.
4. Space or room for excursion.
A man has not enough range of thought -
5. Compass or extent of excursion space taken in by any thing extended or ranked in order as the range of Newton's thought. No philosopher has embraced a wider range.
Far as creation's ample range extends.
6. The step of a ladder. Corrupted in popular language to rung. 7. A kitchen grate. 8. A bolting sieve to sift meal. 9. In gunnery, the path of a bullet or bomb, or the line it describes from the mouth of the piece to the point where it lodges or the whole distance which it passes. When a cannon lies horizontally, it is called the right level, or point blank range when the muzzle is elevated to 45 degrees, it is called the utmost range. To this may be added the ricochet, the rolling or bounding shot, with the piece elevated from three to six degrees.
Webster's Dictionary [2]
(1): ( n.) A farmhouse, with the barns and other buildings for farming purposes.
(2): ( n.) A building for storing grain; a granary.
(3): ( n.) A farmhouse of a monastery, where the rents and tithes, paid in grain, were deposited.
(4): ( n.) A farm; generally, a farm with a house at a distance from neighbors.
(5): ( n.) An association of farmers, designed to further their interests, aud particularly to bring producers and consumers, farmers and manufacturers, into direct commercial relations, without intervention of middlemen or traders. The first grange was organized in 1867.
Holman Bible Dictionary [3]
2 Kings 11:15 2 Chronicles 23:14
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [4]
rānj : "Range" and "rank" have the same derivation, and in the sense of a "row" (of men, etc.) they were formerly interchangeable. "Range" with this meaning is found in 2 Kings 11:8 , 2 Kings 11:15 the King James Version parallel 2 Chronicles 23:14 (the Revised Version (British and American) "rank"; שׂדרה , sedhērāh , "row"). Hence, "to range" is "to set in a line" (Judith 2:16; 2 Macc 12:20, diatássō ) or "to move in a line" or, simply, "to roam," whence "a ranging bear" ( Proverbs 28:15; שׁקק , shāḳaḳ , "run to and fro"). A cooking "range" is a stove on which pots, etc., can be set in a row, but the כּירים , kı̄rayim of Leviticus 11:35 is a much more primitive affair, composed, probably, of two plates ( kı̄rayim is a dual). In Job 39:8 "range of the mountains" is good modern use, but יתר , ythr , should be pointed yāthūr (not yethūr as in Massoretic Text) and connected with tūr , "search." So translate. "He searcheth out the mountains as his pasture."
Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [5]
is the rendering of two Heb. words of marked import, besides one or two in an ordinary sense.
1. כַּיר , Kir (only in the dual, כַּירִיַם , Kira'Yim, Leviticus 11:35, "ranges for pots"), apparently a cooking-furnace, perhaps of pottery (as it could be broken), and double (as having places for two pots or more, or, perhaps, consisting of two stoves set together). (See Oven); (See Pot).
2. שְׂדֵרָה , Sederah', a Rank, or row, of soldiers, drawn up in cordon ("range," 2 Kings 11:8; 2 Kings 11:15; 2 Chronicles 23:14); also timbers or chambers in the stories of a building ("board," 1 Kings 6:9). (See Temple Athaliah)