
From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Webster's Dictionary [1]

(1): ( n.) A plum; esp., a dried plum, used in cookery; as, French or Turkish prunes; California prunes.

(2): ( v. t.) To preen; to prepare; to dress.

(3): ( v. i.) To dress; to prink; -used humorously or in contempt.

(4): ( v. t.) To lop or cut off the superfluous parts, branches, or shoots of; to clear of useless material; to shape or smooth by trimming; to trim: as, to prune trees; to prune an essay.

(5): ( v. t.) To cut off or cut out, as useless parts.

Wilson's Dictionary of Bible Types [2]

 Isaiah 5:6 (b) This describes the blessed action of the Lord in taking away from His people anything that would hinder them from being most fruitful. He sovereignly steps into the life of His child to cut off various things which have developed and which keep him from being all that the Lord wants him to be.

King James Dictionary [3]


1. To lop or cut off the superfluous branches of trees, to make them bear better fruit or grow higher, or to give them a more handsome and regular appearance. 2. To clear from any thing superfluous to dress to trim.

His royal bird

Prunes the immortal wing, and cloys his beak.
