
From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Webster's Dictionary [1]

(1): ( n.) Incitement; stimulus; as, provocation to mirth.

(2): ( n.) The act of provoking, or causing vexation or, anger.

(3): ( n.) An appeal to a court. [A Latinism]

(4): ( n.) That which provokes, or excites anger; the cause of resentment; as, to give provocation.

(5): ( n.) Such prior insult or injury as may be supposed, under the circumstances, to create hot blood, and to excuse an assault made in retort or redress.

Holman Bible Dictionary [2]

 Hebrews 3:8 3:15  Exodus 17:1-7 Numbers 20:1-13 Psalm 95:7-11  Hebrews 3:7-11Massah

King James Dictionary [3]

PROVOCA'TION, n. L.provacatio. See Provoke.

1. Any thing that excites anger the cause of resentment.

 1 Kings 21 .

2. The act of exciting anger. 3. An appeal to a court or judge. A Latinism, not now used. 4. Incitement. Not used.
