Prosper Frederic Jalaguier

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Prosper Frederic Jalaguier [1]

a French Protestant theologian, was born August 21, 1795. Having acted as pastor at several places, Jalaguier was called in 1833 to Montauban, to fill temporarily the chair of Christian ethics. Two years later he was appointed professor of dogmatics, and occupied this office till his death at Montauban, March 22, 1864. He published, Le Temoignage de Dieu (1851): Authenticite du Nouveau Testament (eod.): Inspiration du Nouveau Testament (eod.): Simple Expose de la Question Chretienne (1852): Du Principe Chretien et du Catholicisme, du Rationalisme et du Protestantisme (1855): Une Vue de la Question Scripteraire (1863). In these works he defended with great firmness the reality of a supernatural revelation and the religious authority of the Scripture, against the writers of the Revue de Strasbourg. See Lichtenberger, Encyclop. des Sciences Religienses, s.v. (B.P.)
