Priest'S Office Priesthood

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Priest'S Office Priesthood [1]

'''A — 1: ἱεράτευμα (Strong'S #2406 — Noun Neuter — hierateuma — hee-er-at'-yoo-mah )

denotes "a priesthood" (akin to hierateuo, see below), "a body of priests," consisting of all believers, the whole church (not a special order from among them), called "a holy priesthood,"  1 Peter 2:5; "a royal priesthood,"  1 Peter 2:9; the former term is associated with offering spiritual sacrifices, the latter with the royal dignity of showing forth the Lord's excellencies (Rv). In the Sept.,  Exodus 19:6;  23:22 .

'''A — 2: ἱερωσύνη (Strong'S #2420 — Noun Feminine — hierosune — hee-er-o-soo'-nay )

"a priesthood," signifies the office, quality, rank and ministry of "a priest,"  Hebrews 7:11,12,24 , where the contrasts between the Levitical "priesthood" and that of Christ are set forth. In the Sept.,  1 Chronicles 29:22 .

'''A — 3: ἱερατεία (Strong'S #2405 — Noun Feminine — hierateia — hee-e-at-i'-ah )

"a priesthood," denotes the priest's office,  Luke 1:9;  Hebrews 7:5 , Rv, "priest's office."

'''B — 1: ἱερατεύω (Strong'S #2407 — Verb — hierateuo — hee-er-at-yoo'-o )

signifies "to officiate as a priest,"  Luke 1:8 , "he executed the priest's office."
