Porretani [1]
a name for the followers of Gilbert De La Porree bishop of Poitiers, a metaphysical divine of the 12th century, who held opinions respecting the personality and the essence of the Holy Trinity analogous to those of the Letratheitae or Damianists of the 6th century. Porretanus attempted to distinguish the divine essence from the Deity, and the properties of the three divine Persons from the Persons themselves, not in reality, but by abstraction. In consequence of these distinctions, he denied the incarnation of the divine nature, respecting which he ventured to set forth the proposition, "Quod Divina natura non esset incarnata." Porretanus was accused by two of his clergy of teaching blasphemy, and at their instigation St. Bernard brought the matter before Eugenius III, the pontiff, who was then in France. The case was discussed first in the Council of Paris in A.D. 1147, and then in the Council of Rheims, which was held in the following year. To put an end to the contest, Porretanus yielded his own judgment to that of the council and the pope. It does not appear that any large party was formed by Porretanus, but some are spoken of under his name as his followers. See Gallia Christiana, 2, 1175; Harduin, Concil. 6, 2, 1297; Mansi, Concil. 21. 712.