Polemius (Or Salvius Or Sylvius)

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Polemius (Or Salvius Or Sylvius) [1]

Polemius (or Salvius or Sylvius)

a Gallican ecclesiastic of the 5th century, flourished as bishop of Martigny, in the Valais. He is the author of a sacred calendar, drawn up A.D. 448, which is entitled Laterculus s. Index Dierums Festorum, and which includes heathen as well as Christian festivals. A portion of this Laterculus was published by Bollanduls, in the general preface to the Actae Sanctorom (1, 44, 45), and the whole will be found, but in a mutilated state, in the seventh volume of the same work (p. 178). See Mansi, Ad Fabric. Bibl. Med. et Inufin. Lt. vol. 6; Schonemann, Bibl. Patrum Lat. vol. 2, § 50. Smith, Dict. of Gr. and Rom. Biog. and Mythol. s.v.
