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Wilson's Dictionary of Bible Types [1]

 Isaiah 28:24 (a) The Lord is giving us in this passage a marvelous lesson on evangelism and Christian ministry. The plowman is the servant of God who goes into the harvest field and by his preaching, warning and teaching gets the hearts of the people ready for the Gospel message (the wheat). The Lord is telling us that no farmer just plows his field constantly, day after day, and week after week. There is a time to stop plowing, stop harrowing, and put the seed in the ground. So we should do who are preachers or teachers in any group. We must be sure to plant the seed, the wheat, the Gospel, or else there will be no crop.

 Jeremiah 14:4 (c) Perhaps this passage may be used to represent the vain endeavors of the visiting evangelists to produce good results for God in a church or community which is barren of spiritual life, and where the Water of Life (the Holy Spirit). has not been free to work because of bad teaching, or no teaching. The evangelist labors in vain. There are no conversions, no restorations, no good results.

 Amos 9:13 (b) It is evidently the will of God that hearts should turn to the Lord immediately upon hearing the clear, plain Gospel. The plowing, the harrowing, the planting and the reaping may and should take place at the opening of a series of meetings, and not just at the close. (See also  John 4:35).

King James Dictionary [2]

Plow'Man, n. One that plows or holds a plow.

At last the robber binds the plowman and carries him off with the oxen.

1. A cultivator of grain a husbandman. 2. A rustic a countryman a hardy laborer.

Webster's Dictionary [3]

(n.) Alt. of Ploughman
