Plantavitius, John, De La Pause, Or Plantavitius Pausanus

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Plantavitius, John, De La Pause, Or Plantavitius Pausanus [1]

was born 1576 of a noble Protestant family in the diocese of Nismes, studied theology and Oriental literature, and became pastor at Beziers, where he embraced Roman Catholicism, 1604. He was made bishop of Lodbve in 1625, retired from his ecclesiastical functions in 1648, on account of advanced age and great infirmities, and died in 1651, at the Palace Margon. Few literati, not Hebrews by birth, have devoted themselves more earnestly to, and labored more successfully in, the department of Hebrew literature than Plantavitius, and his works will continue to be a monument to his learning and industry as long as the sacred language of the O.T. continues to be studied. They are as follows: Thesaurus synonymicus lebr C Eo-Chald C Eo Rabbinicus (Lodovae, 1643, fol.); very valuable to the student of the Hebrew Scriptures on account of its treatment of Hebrew synonyms: Florilegium Biblicum Hebraico- Latinum (ibid. 1645): and Florilegium Rabbiznicum, complectens Praecipuas Vet. Rabbinorum Sententias, Vers. Lat. Et Scholiis Illustratas Cum Bibliotheca Rabbinica (ibid. 1645). See Wolf, Bibliotheca Hebraea, 1, 5, etc.; Steinschneider, Catalogus Libr. Ilebr. in Bibliotheca Bodleiana, col. 2107; Geiger, in Zeitschrift der deutschen morgenl Ä ndischen Gesellschuft, 17, 330 (Leips. 1863).
