Plainly Plain Plainness

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Plainly Plain Plainness [1]

1: ὀρθῶς (Strong'S #3723 — Adverb — orthos — or-thoce' )

"rightly" (from orthos, "straight"), is translated "plain," in  Mark 7:35 , of restored speech. See Rightly.

2: παρρησία (Strong'S #3954 — Noun Feminine — parrhesia — par-rhay-see'-ah )

"boldness," is used adverbially in its dative case and rendered "plainly" in  John 10:24;  11:14;  16:25;  16:29 (with en, lit., "in plainness"). See Bold , B, where see also "plainness of speech,"  2 Corinthians 3:12 , Rv.
