Pity Pitiful

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Pity Pitiful [1]

1: πολύσπλαγχνος (Strong'S #4184 — Adjective — polusplanchnos — pol-oo'-splankh-nos )

denotes "very pitiful" or "full of pity" (polus, "much," splanchnon, "the heart;" in the plural, "the affections"), occurs in  James 5:11 , Rv, "full of pity."

2: εὔσπλαγχνος (Strong'S #2155 — Adjective — eusplanchnos — yoo'-splangkh-nos )

"compassionate, tenderhearted," lit., "of good heartedness" (eu, "well," and splanchnon), is translated "pitiful" in  1 Peter 3:8 , Av, Rv, "tenderhearted," as in  Ephesians 4:32 .
