Pietro De Petri

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Pietro De Petri [1]

an Italian painter, was born in Premia, a district of Novara, in 1671. He studied under Carlo Maratti at Rome, and painted some works for the ehurches in that metropolis. Lanzi says he formed a style of his own by engrafting on that of Maratti a portion of the manner of Cortona. He did not. however, obtain the reputation which his merits deserved, on account of his infirm health and extreme modesty. His best works are a picture of The Crucifixion, in the church of SS. Vincento c Anastasio, and some frescos in the tribune of S. Clemente. He was called at Rome de' Pietri. Orlandi calls him a Roman, others a Spaniard, but Latnzi says he was a native of Premia. He died at Rome in 1716, in the prime of life. There are a few etchings heretofore attributed to him, but Bartsch gives them to another artist of the same name.
