Pietro Antonio Arnaldo

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Pietro Antonio Arnaldo [1]

an Italian theologian, was born at Villafranca, near Nice, in 1638. He- studied theology at the College of Brera, and performed the duties of apostolic prothonotary after having received the degree of doctor. He died near the close of the 17th century. He wrote, Il Triciglio Celeste in Lode de' Nomi Santi di Gesi, di Maria, e di Giuseppe (Milan, 1653), and published it at the age of fifteen:-Elogia in Laudem Episcopi Nicceensis:- Sanctum Optatce Pacis Auguriun ex Emblemate Alciati cujus.est Jnscriptio: Ex Bello Pax, Dissertatio Parcenetica (ibid. 1658):- Honorato II, Principi Monacceo, Valentino Duci, etc., Poeticce Gratulationes (ibid.): l Giardin del Piemonte Oggi Vivente nell' Anno 1673, Diviso in Pirincipi, Dame, Prelati, Abati, Cavalieri, Migistri, etc. (Turin, 1683). This is a collection of odes and sonnets in: praise of the more important personages of the court of Turin at that time: Le (Grandezze e le Glorie della R. Casa di Savoja, Oda Lirica, etc., con Lettere al Duca di Savoja Ca-Lo Emanuele Ii. This is preserved in the Royal Library of Turin. See Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, s.v.
