Philip Wilhelm Moritz Bogehold

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Philip Wilhelm Moritz Bogehold [1]

a Protestant theologian of Germany, was born May 24, 1815, at Miulheim, on the Rhine. He studied at Bonn and Berlin, and in 1839 was appointed rector of the Latin school at Dierdorf and second preacher there. The many duties connected with his twofold position obliged him to retire to Oberdreis, a quiet place where le could recruit. his broken health. In 1845 he went to Altwied, and here it was that he commenced his inner- missionary work among the poor and destitute, for which he became afterwards so well known. In 1848 he was called as pastor of the prison at Dusseldorf, and in 1857 he accepted the same appointment at Moabit, near Berlin. In 1863 he received the pastorate of St. Elisabeth at Berlin, and in the capital of the German empire he founded those Christian institutions for both young and old, which have endeared his name to the whole Christian community. He died Oct. 16, 1873. See Erinnerungen an Ph. W. M. Bogehold, etc. (1873). (B. P.)
