Peter Walsh

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Peter Walsh [1]

a learned and liberal Irish Catholic, was born at Moortown, County Kildare, in the early part of the 17th century. He was probably educated at Louvain, where he became professor of divinity. He was also a Franciscan friar. On his return to Ireland, he became procurator of the Romish clergy; and, at the restoration of Charles II, persuaded many of them to sign a remonstrance against the temporal supremacy of the pope and in favor of the king. For this course he was so persecuted by the opposition that he had to take refuge in England (in 1670). He went to London, where he received an annuity of one hundred pounds for life, and remained true to his early faith, notwithstanding the persecutions he suffered. He died in September, 1687. Mr. Walsh wrote several pamphlets of a controversial character, and a History, which was not important.
