Peter Michael Brillmacher

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Peter Michael Brillmacher [1]

a Jesuit, was born at Cologne in 1542, and studied at Paris under Maldonatus. For six years he was rectorat Speyer, and in 1588 went to Minster, where he founded the college of the Jesuits, whose rector he was for eight years. He died August 25, 1595, leaving, De Communione sub Altera Tantun-Specie (Cologne, 1582): De Eucharistice Sacramento Dialogi V (1580-84): Christiana et Solida Detectio Errorum Joannis a Munster (1591). See Hartzheim, Bibl. Colonsensis; Reiffenberg, Historia Soc. Jes. ad Phen. Inf. page 319; Strunck, Annal. Paderborn, 3:539, 566; Bauer, in Wetzer u. Welte's Kirchenlexikon, s.v. (B.P.)
