Peter Adolphus Boysen

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Peter Adolphus Boysen [1]

a Lutheran theologian of Germany, was born Nov. 15, 1690, at Aschersleben. He studied at Wittenberg and Halle; was in 1716 pastor at Aschersleben; in 1718, rector of the cathedral school at Halberstadt; in 1723, pastor of the Frauenkirche there; and died Jan. 12, 1743. He wrote, Disp. de Asiarchis ad  Acts 19:31 : Diss. de Κυβείᾷ Ἀνθρώπων Ad  Ephesians 4:14 : De Codice Grceco et Consilio quo usus est B. Lutherus in Interpretatione Germanica N.T.: De Difficili Pauli Itinere ad  Acts 17:9 : De Sepultura Stephani ad  Acts 8:2. See Moser. Lexikon jetzleben der Gottesgelehrten; Neubauer, Nachricht von jetzleben den Gottesgelehrten; Jocher, Allgemeines Gelehrten-Lexikon, s.v. (B. P.)
