
From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words [1]

1: Συγγνώμη (Strong'S #4774 — Noun Feminine — sungnome — soong-gno'-may )

lit., "a joint opinion, mind or understanding" (sun, "with," gnome, "an opinion"), "a fellow feeling," hence, "a concession, allowance," is translated "permission," in contrast to "commandment," in  1—Corinthians 7:6 .

King James Dictionary [2]

PERMIS'SION, n. L.permissio, from permitto, to permit.

1. The act of permitting or allowing. 2. Allowance license or liberty granted.

You have given me your permission for this address.

Webster's Dictionary [3]

(n.) The act of permitting or allowing; formal consent; authorization; leave; license or liberty granted.
