Payment Pay

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Payment Pay [1]

1: ἀποδίδωμι (Strong'S #591 — Verb — apodidomi — ap-od-eed'-o-mee )

"to give back, to render what is due, to pay," used of various obligations in this respect, is translated "to pay, to make payment," in  Matthew 5:26;  18:25 (twice),26,28,29,30,34; 20:8; Rv (Av, "give"). See Deliver.

2: τελέω (Strong'S #5055 — Verb — teleo — tel-eh'-o )

"to bring to an end, complete, fulfill," has the meaning "to pay" in  Matthew 17:24;  Romans 13:6 . See Accomplish.

 Romans 23:23 Hebrews 7:9Tithe.
