Paulus De Heredia Of Aragon

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Paulus De Heredia Of Aragon [1]

was born about 1405. When yet in connection with the synagogue he used to dispute with Christian theologians about the merits of Judaism; nevertheless he afterwards became a convert of Christianity. He wrote, Ensis Pauli: Iggeret ha-Sadot, treating of the divinity, death, and resurrection of the Messiah, which a certain Nechunjah ben-ha-Kanah, who lived towards the end of the second Temple, is said to have written: De Mysteriis Fidei, against the Talmud: and Corona Regia, on the immaculate conception of Mary, which he dedicated to pope Innocent VIII. When Paulus died is uncertain, but in 1485 he was yet alive. See Furst, Bibl. Jud. 1:385; Wolf, Bibl. Hebr. 1:963; De Castro, Biblioth. 1:363 sq.; Gratz, Gesch. d. Juden, 8:231 sq. (2d ed. Leips. 1875, p. 232); Kalkar, Israel u. die Kirche, p. 31. (B. P.)
