Paul Flemming

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Paul Flemming [1]

a German poet and hymn maker, was born October 15, 1609, at Hartenstein, in Sch6nburg, and studied medicine at Leipsic. In 1633 he accompanied the embassy sent by the duke of Holstein to Russia, and in 1635 was attached to an embassy to Persia. He returned in 1639, and died in Hamburg April 2, 1640. His Geistliche und weltliche Poemata (Jena, 1642) contain many love songs, and also sacred poems; among them the beautiful hymn In alien unseren Thates,' a translation of which is given in Miss Winkworth's Lyra Germanica, second series, p. 149. His life, with his select poems, was published by Schwab (Stuttgard, 1820). See Knapp, Evangelischer Liederschatz (Stuttg. 1837), and Miller, in the Bibliothek deutscher Dichter des 17 Jahrhundert (Lpz. 1822, 3 vols.).
