Paul Colomies (Lat. Colomesius)

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Paul Colomies (Lat. Colomesius) [1]

Colomies (Lat. Colomesius), Paul

a learned French Protestant, was born at La Rochelle, December 2, 1638. He studied philosophy and theology at Saumuir, learned Hebrew under the celebrated Cappel, allied himself at Paris with Isaac Vossius, and accompanied him to Holland. In 1681 he went to England, and became librarian to Sancroft, archbishop of Canterbury; lost this place in consequence of the disgrace of his protector, and died of chagrin at London, January 13, 1692. He wrote, Gallia Orientalis (Hague, 1665): Exhortation de Tertullien aux Martyrs (ibid. 1673): Rome Protestante (Lond. 1675): Theologorum Presbyterianorum Icones (1682): Parallele de la Pratique de l'Eglise Ancienne et de Celle des Protestants de France (eod.): Bibliotheque Choisie (La Rochelle, eod.; Amsterdam, 1699): Ad Gulielmi Cave Chartophylacem Ecclesiasticunt Paralipomena: Accedit de Scriptis Photii Dissertatio, et Passio S. Victoris Massiliensis (Lond. 1686, 1689; Leips. 1687): Lettre a M. Justel, etc. (Lond. 1686). John Albert Fabricius published the greater part of the works of Colomies in a volume entitled Colomesii Opera, Theologi, Critici, et Historici Argumenti, Junctim Edita (Hamb. 1709). Colomies was also the editor of the following: S. Clementis Epistolae duae ad Corinthios, Interpretibus Patricio Junio, Gottifredo Wendelino, et Joh. Bap. Cotelerio (Vienna, 1682), and others. See Biog. Universelle, s.v.
