Paolo Farinato Degli Uberti

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Paolo Farinato Degli Uberti [1]

an eminent Italian painter, was born at Verona in 1522, and studied some time under Nicolo Golfino. Among his principal works which are at Verona are three pictures in Santa Maria in Organo, representing St. Michael Discomfiting Lucifer, the Mothers Presenting their Children to Constantine, and the Murder of the Innocents. In San Tommaso is a picture of St. Onuphrius. One of Farinato's finest paintings is the Descent from the Cross, in the Church of the Cappucini. He painted a number of other pictures for different churches. He died in 1606. See Spooner, Biog. Hist. of the Fine Arts, s.v.; Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, s.v.
