Paolo Attacanti (Or Atavanti)

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Paolo Attacanti (Or Atavanti) [1]

Attacanti (or Atavanti), Paolo

an Italian writer, was a monk of the Order of the Servites, born of a noble family of Florence, who entered the order in 1427. He acquired early a high reputation, and taught theology at Sienna; was made provincial of the province of Tuscany; and was charged by Pius II with the direction of the Hospital of the Holy Spirit at Rome. He quitted this employment and retired to Florence, where he died in 1499, aged eighty. His works are, Dialogus ad Petrum Medicem, de Origine Ordinis Servotrum (1471):- VitaC B. Joachimi et Francisci, Sezuensium, Ord. Serv. MSS.:-Breviarium Deer. Decretal. Sexti, etc.: Thesaurus Concionaforius (Milan, i479), Lenten sermons:-Comment. in XII Prophetas Minores, et in Apocalyp. S. Johan. (1583):-Sermones de Sanctis: Breviaritm Totius Juris Canonici (Milan, 1479):-Quadragesimale de Reditu Peccatoiis ad Deum (ibid. eod.): Expositio in Psalmos. Pritentiales (ibid. eod.). He wrote many other works, none of which have been printed. See Mag. Biblioth. Eccles. p. 694; Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, s.v.
