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Wilson's Dictionary of Bible Types [1]

(the hand)

 1 Samuel 5:4 (c) Apparently the Lord would teach us by this figure that when GOD's presence is realized, the power of idolatry is broken. (See also2Ki 9:35).

 Isaiah 49:16 (b) In this beautiful way we are reminded of GOD's constant thoughtfulness, remembrance, work and ministry for His children. The palm is toward the face. In all the work that He does, His own people are constantly in His mind, and the objects of His care. The graving on the hands was done by the nails of Calvary.

 Daniel 10:10 (c) In this passage we are probably being told that the touch of GOD upon the life, the ministry of the Spirit to the soul leads to an attitude of devotion, reverence and prayer.


 Exodus 15:27 (c) The seventy trees probably represent the seventy descendants of Jacob who came with Jacob into Egypt ( Genesis 46:27). It is typical of their life of separation and of their prosperity in the midst of opposition of every kind. These trees were in association with the twelve wells of water, and this is to teach us that the Word of GOD and the Spirit of GOD will sustain the people of GOD on their journey to their Homeland.

 1 Kings 6:29 (b) This tree is usually a type of the individual Christian life. The tree grows in the desert in very unhappy surroundings and unfavorable conditions. This is true of most true Christians. The tree sends its roots down quite a long way to find an underground supply of water. By means of this it flourishes in the desert. In the same way the believer obtains his source of supply from the Holy Spirit who is the Living Water so that he too can flourish as a believer, a happy Christian, a fruit-bearing child of GOD in the midst of every adverse condition. Solomon had these palm trees carved in the wood of the temple to ever remind Israel that each one individually was to be responsible for his own individual Christian life. He was not to be influenced by the coldness, nor the rebellion of others around him. (See2Ch 3:5; Ezekiel 40:16).

 Psalm 92:12 (b) The palm tree in this passage is a type of the life that GOD expects from the Christian. He is to thrive in the midst of adverse conditions, even though he has no companions of like mind. He should, however, if it is possible, associate with other believers, for the cedar trees grow in forests, each one helping the other.

 Jeremiah 10:5 (a) This is the picture of a hypocrite. He pretends to be a genuine Christian but in reality is not so. It represents also the idol which is made to appear as lifelike as possible. False religions are thus described in Revelation 17:4, and Revelation 18:16. The word "decked" in both of those passages means "gilded" or "veneered." They look like the genuine article, but are false.

Webster's Dictionary [2]

(1): ( n.) A metallic disk, attached to a strap, and worn the palm of the hand, - used to push the needle through the canvas, in sewing sails, etc.

(2): ( n.) A lineal measure equal either to the breadth of the hand or to its length from the wrist to the ends of the fingers; a hand; - used in measuring a horse's height.

(3): ( n.) The inner and somewhat concave part of the hand between the bases of the fingers and the wrist.

(4): ( n.) The flat inner face of an anchor fluke.

(5): ( n.) Any endogenous tree of the order Palmae or Palmaceae; a palm tree.

(6): ( n.) A branch or leaf of the palm, anciently borne or worn as a symbol of victory or rejoicing.

(7): ( n.) Any symbol or token of superiority, success, or triumph; also, victory; triumph; supremacy.

(8): ( n.) The broad flattened part of an antler, as of a full-grown fallow deer; - so called as resembling the palm of the hand with its protruding fingers.

(9): ( v. t.) To "grease the palm" of; to bribe or tip.

(10): ( v. t.) To handle.

(11): ( v. t.) To manipulate with, or conceal in, the palm of the hand; to juggle.

(12): ( v. t.) To impose by fraud, as by sleight of hand; to put by unfair means; - usually with off.

Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament [3]

PALM. —The word occurs ( Mark 14:65,  John 18:22; cf.  John 19:3) in the translation of ῥάπισμα, a blow with the open hand. It refers to the stroke on the cheek ( Matthew 5:39,  Luke 6:29), one of the affronts and indignities that may have to be borne cheerfully in representing and serving the Kingdom of heaven. In  Matthew 26:67,  Mark 14:65, a distinction is implied between the rough jest of hitting with the fist (κολαφίζω) by the soldiers standing in front of Christ and the smiting with the palm by the servants of the high priests as they stood behind and challenged Him to tell from whom the blow had come. For all Christ prayed that the sin committed in ignorance might be forgiven ( Luke 23:34). It is only by a Christian that affront can really be put upon Christ ( Philippians 3:18).

G. M. Mackie.

King James Dictionary [4]

PALM, n. p`am.. L. palma.

1. The inner part of the hand. 2. A hand or hand's breadth a lineal measure of three inches. 3. The broad triangular part of an anchor at the end of the arms. 4. The name of many species of plants, but particularly of the date-tree or great palm, a native of Asia and Africa.

The palms constitute a natural order of monocotyledonous plants,with a simple cylindric stem, terminating in a crown of leaves or fronds, within which rises a tuft of flowers and fruits all natives of warm climates. They vary in size from 2 to more than 100 feet in highth.

5. Branches of the palm being worn in token of victory, hence the word signifies superiority, victory, triumph. The palm was adopted as an emblem of victory, it is said, because the tree is so elastic as when pressed, to rise and recover its correct position.

Namur subdued is England's palm alone.

6. Among seamen, an instrument used in sewing canvas instead of a thimble.

PALM, p`am. To conceal in the palm of the hand.

They palmed the trick that lost the game.

1. To impose by fraud.

For you may palm upon us new for old.

2. To handle. 3. To stroke with the hand.

Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words [5]

 Matthew 26:67Smite.  Mark 14:65 John 18:22Blow.

Morrish Bible Dictionary [6]

See Weights And Measures

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [7]

is a frequent rendering of the Hebrew כִּ , Kaph, properly Something curved or hollow, and hence the interior of the hand. It is used as a general word for the hand, both in literal and figurative expressions, e.g. Ezra 21:16;  1 Samuel 4:3, as well as for the Palms only, as  Leviticus 18:26;  Daniel 10:10. It is also applied, like the Latin Palma, to the branches of the Palm-Tree, from their curved form; as  Leviticus 23:40. But the Palm-Tree is denoted in Hebrew by the word Tamar, תָּמָר , from a root meaning To Stand ErectJoel 1:12;  Song of Solomon 7:9;  Exodus 15:27), and by the word תֹּמֶר , Tomer, From the same root. (See Hand); (See Palm-Tree).

Kitto's Popular Cyclopedia of Biblial Literature [8]

Palm [[[Weights And Measures]]]
