Pain (And Forms)
Pain (And Forms) [1]
Psalm 55:4 (a) There is some strange connection between the heart and the mind. David was being sorely tried, his difficulties were increasing, and his sorrows were multiplied. He describes his feelings by using this form of speech. (See Psalm 73:16; Isaiah 23:5; Jeremiah 4:19; Joel 2:6).
Isaiah 66:7 (a) Evidently Israel was in great trouble just before the Saviour was born in Bethlehem, but they did not realize that their deliverer was so near. Probably the pain referred to was the sorrow she felt when the Roman army captured Jerusalem. The Saviour was born just a little while before this terrible event. Israel did not seem to feel their need of the Messiah; nevertheless He came to save them.
Jeremiah 51:8 (a) The sorrows of Babylon which overtook her when the Medio-Persian empire conquered her caused untold sorrow inside that magnificent city.
Ezekiel 30:4 (a) The great sorrows, the fear and anxiety which overcame the Egyptians and the Ethiopians are thus described. (See also Micah 4:10; Nahum 2:10).
Romans 8:22 (a) All nature suffers at the present time with the strong injuring the weak, the rich charming the poor, the wild animals destroying the weaker ones, and thorns, thistles and weeds destroying the crops. The earth groans under this torture.