Otto Strauss

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Otto Strauss [1]

son of Gerhard Friedrich Abraham (q.v.), who died March 6, 1880, is the author of Nahum de Nino Vaticinium Explicatum ex Assyriis Monumentis (Berlin, 1853), the publication of which entitled him to the right of lecturing at the Berlin University. In 1857 he was military preacher at Posen, and in 1865 first preacher of the Sophienkirche, in Berlin, where he labored to his end. Besides the work on Nahum, he published, Ninivee und das Wort Gottes (1855): Der Psalter als Gesang- und Gebetbuch (1859): and, in connection with his brother, Friedrich Adolph, Lander und Stddte der heiligen Schrift (1861). See Pank, Zur Erinnerung an Lie. Otto Strauss (Berlin, 1880), (B.P.)
