Otherwise Diethmar Thiemon

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Otherwise Diethmar Thiemon [1]

a Bavarian prelate and artist, was born of noble parentage about 1045. Agreeably to the custom of his time, he was as well versed in mechanics as in the fine arts. He executed many works in painting and sculpture for the churches, particularly for the Church of St. Blaise, near Ems. In 1079 he was appointed abb of the diocese of Salzburg, and in 1090 was chosen archbishop of that city. He started for the Holy Land about 1099, and is said to have been taken prisoner by the infidels, who, learning of his skill in sculpture, commanded him to restore the arms of a brazen idol. Refusing to do so on account of religious scruples, he was put to death, in 1101. See Spooner, Biog. Hist. of the Fine Arts, s.v.
