Or Budny Budnaeus Simon

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Or Budny Budnaeus Simon [1]

a Polish theologian in the second half of the 16th century, was minister at Klecenie, and afterward at Lost. Becoming a disciple of Servetus, he denied the divinity of Christ and his miraculous conception, and anticipated in many respects the later rationalism. Being a man of talents, he made many disciples, especially in Lithuania. In 1582 he was excommunicated by the Synod of Luclau; and this, with other causes, led him to greater moderation of language, if not of sentiment, and he united with the Pinezovians, a Socinian sect. He published a Polish translation of the Bible; also Libellus de duabus naturis in Christo; Apologia Polonica. See Bock, Historia Antitrinitariorum; Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, 7, 729.
