Oliver Beale
Oliver Beale [1]
a Methodist Episcopal minister, was born in Bridgewater, Mass., Oct. 13, 1777, converted 1800, and entered the itinerant ministry at Lynn, Mass., 1801. After filling several of the most important stations, he was presiding elder from 1806 to 1818; and during the next ten years, while effective, he was missionary at Piscataquis, and also presiding elder. He was made "superannuate" in 1833, and died at Baltimore Dec. 30, 1836. He was a devoted and successful minister, "and did more to plant Methodism in Maine than any other man" (Rev. T. Merritt), and, during his long and faithful service, became well known to the Church as a wise man and discreet counsellor. He was five times a delegate to the General Conference. — Minutes of Conferences, 2, 493.