Oft, Often, Oftener, Oftentimes, Oft-Times

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Oft, Often, Oftener, Oftentimes, Oft-Times [1]

'''A — 1: πολλάκις (Strong'S #4178 — Adverb — pollakis — pol-lak'-is )

akin to polus, "much, many," is variously translated, e.g., "oft-times,"  Matthew 17:15 (Av, "oft," 2nd part); "many times,"   2 Corinthians 8:22 , Rv (Av, "often-times"); "oft,"  2 Corinthians 11:23; "often" ( 2 Corinthians 11:26 ).

'''A — 2: πολύς (Strong'S #4183 — Adjective — polla — pol-oos' )

the neuter plural of polus, is translated "oft" in  Matthew 9:14; some ancient authorities omit it here (see Rv marg.); in  Romans 15:22 , with the article, Rv, "these many times" (Av, "much").

'''A — 3: ποσάκις (Strong'S #4212 — Adverb — posakis — pos-ak'-is )

an interrogative numeral adverb, "how many times, how oft (or often)?" occurs in  Matthew 18:21;  23:37;  Luke 13:34 .

'''A — 4: ὁσάκις (Strong'S #3740 — Adverb — hosakis — hos-ak'-is )

a relative adverb, "as often" (or oft) as,  1 Corinthians 11:25,26;  Revelation 11:6 .

'''A — 5: πυκνός (Strong'S #4437 — Adjective — pukna — pook-nos' )

the neuter plural of puknos (see B), used adverbially, is translated "often" in  Luke 5:33 .

'''A — 6: πυκνός (Strong'S #4437 — Adjective — puknoteron — pook-nos' )

the neuter singular of the comparative degree of puknos (cp. No. 5, and see B), "very often," or "so much the oftener,"  Acts 24:26 , "the oftener."

 Luke 8:29 Mark 7:3Diligently

'''B — 1: πυκνός (Strong'S #4437 — Adjective — puknos — pook-nos' )

primarily signifies "close, compact, solid;" hence, "frequent, often,"  1 Timothy 5:23 . Cp. A, Nos. 5 and 6.
