Numnidicus Of Carthage

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Numnidicus Of Carthage [1]

a Christian martyr of the early Church, flourished at the African city after which he is surnamed near the middle of the 3d century. For his exemplary conduct in the persecution bishop Cyprian made him a presbyter. It is related of Numidicus that, after having inspired many with courage to suffer martyrdom, and seen his own wife perish at the stake, he had himself, when half burned and covered under a heap of stones, been left for dead. His daughter went to search under the stones for the body of her father, in order to bury it. Great was her joy at finding him still giving signs of life, and her filial assiduities finally succeeded in completely restoring him. We know little else of the personal history of Numidicus. He died near the close of the century. See Neander, Ch. Hist. 1:133.
