Nicolas Perrault

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Nicolas Perrault [1]

a French theologian, was born in Paris about 1611. Having been received doctor of the Sorbonne in 1652, he was one of the seventy doctors excluded with Arnauid on the charge of Jansenism, Jan. 31, 1656. Perrault died at Paris in 1661. He published only, La Morale des Jesuifes, extraitesfidelemem ae leurs livres imprims ares ec l'approbation et permission des superieurs de leur Compagnie (Mons, 1667, 4to, and 1669, 3 vols. 16mo): three Lettres to Dr. Hasle against signing the Formulary, printed with the responses of the latter in a collection of pieces upon the Formulary, the bulls and constitutions of the popes. See Moreri, Diet. Hlist. s.v.; Niceron, Mem. vol. 33, S. V;
