Nicander And Marcian

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Nicander And Marcian [1]

two Christian martyrs of the 4th century. Both were Roman military officers of great ability, and great efforts were made to induce them to renounce Christianity, but in vain. Crowds of people attended their execution. The wife of Nicander, being herself a Christian, encouraged her husband to suffer patiently for Christ; but the wife of Marcian, being a pagan, entreated her husband to save his life for the sake of her and of his child. Marcian embraced her and her babe, gently reproving her idolatry and unbelief; and then, together with Nicander, who also in the most affectionate manner had taken leave of his Christian wife, submitted joyfully to the fatal stroke, which conferred on them the crown of martyrdom, A.D. 306.
