New Ireland

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

New Ireland [1]

a long, narrow island in the Pacific Ocean, lying to the north-east of New Britain (q.v.)). from which it is separated by St. George Channel; lat. 20 40'-40 52' S., long. 150 30'-152 50' E. Length: about 200 miles; average breadth, 20 miles. The hills rise to a height of from 1500 to 2000 feet, and are richly wooded. The principal trees are cocoas on the coast, and in the interior forests of areca-palm. The chief products are sugar-cane, bananas, yams, and cocoa-nuts. Dogs, pigs, and turtles abound. The natives are apparently of the same race as the Australian Negritos (q.v.), but our information about them is extremely scanty. No missionary labors have thus far been attempted among them worth mentioning.
