Mount Of Corruption
From BiblePortal Wikipedia
Holman Bible Dictionary [1]
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [2]
(הר־המּשׁחית , har ha - mashḥı̄th ; τὸ ὄρος τοῦ Μοσοάθ , tó óros toú Mosoáth ): The hill on the right hand of which Solomon built high places for Ashtoreth, Chemosh and Milcom ( 2 Kings 23:13 ). The mountain referred to is no doubt the Mount of Olives. The high places would, therefore, be on the southern height called in later Christian writings the "Mount of Offence," and now, by the Arabs, Bāṭen el - Hawa . Har ha - mashḥı̄th is probably only a perversion of har ha - mishḥāh , "Mount of Anointing," a later name of the Mount of Olives.