Moses Tordesillas

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Moses Tordesillas [1]

a Jewish writer who flourished in 1373 at Avila, in Spain, is the author of האמונה עזר , in which he critically examines 125 passages of the Old Test. regarded by the Christians as Messianic. This work originated through a controversy, which he had had with a Jewish convert at Avila; and, for the benefit of the congregations of Avila and Toledo, he collected all the material which he laid down in his עזר אמונה , forming the second part of a work bearing the general title ס העזר the first part of it being entitled הדת עזר . See F Ü rst, Bibl. Jud. 3, 435; De' Rossi. Dizionario Storico (Germ. transl.), p. 317 sq., and Biblioth. Jud. Antichrist. p. 26. (B.P.)
