Moses Pobian

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Moses Pobian [1]

also called Fobian, a Jewish writer of some note, flourished in Greece in the first part of the 16th century. He published, איוב עם תרגום רומאני , the book of Job, with a Rumic, i.e. neo-Greek, translation in Hebrew letters (Constantinople, 1576): עם תרגום רומאני משלי , the Proverbs, in the same manner (ibid. 1548): חומש עם תרגום רומאני וספרדי , i.e. the Pentateuch, with a Rumic and Spanish translation, both in Hebrew letters, with the Challee of Onkelos and Rashi's commentary (ibid. 1547). The Spanish version of this work was reprinted at Ferrara in 1583. See Furst, Bibl. Judaica, 1, 285 sq.; Wolf, Bibl. Hebraea, I, 3, 1520. (B. P.)
