Michael Wise

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Michael Wise [1]

one of the most eminent of English Church-music composers, was born in Wiltshire about the middle of the 17th century. He was among the first set of children chosen at the Chapel Royal after the Restoration; became organist and master of the choristers in the cathedral of Salisbury in 1668; was appointed gentleman of the Chapel Royal in 1675; and was made almoner of St. Paul's Cathedral in 1686. Quitting his house at night in a state of great irritation, he was stopped by the watchman, with whom he entered into a quarrel, and was killed in the affray, in August, 1687. His anthems, "Awake up, my Glory," "Prepare ye the Way of the Lord," and "The Ways of Zion do Mourn," are still listened to with admiration.
