Michael Moor

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Michael Moor [1]

a Roman Catholic divine, who flourished in England from 1640 to 1726, was a native of Dublin, Ireland, and spent some time in France, at one time filling the post of principal of the College of Navarre. In England he was regius professor of philosophy, Greek, and Hebrew. He wrote, De Existentia Dei et Humana Immortalitate (Paris, 1692, 8vo): Hortatio ad Studium Linguce Grcecae et Hebraicae (1700, 12mo): Vera Sciendi Methodus (Paris, 1716, 8vo) against the philosophy of Des Cartes. See Harris's Ware's Ireland, s.v.; Allibone, Dict. of Brit. and Amer. Authors, s.v.
