
From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words [1]

 Philemon 1:13  Titus 1:3 Philippians 2:23 2—Corinthians 13:3 Galatians 2:20 1—Corinthians 9:15 14:11 Galatians 1:16,24 1—Timothy 1:16 Luke 22:19

Webster's Dictionary [2]

(1): ( pers. pron.) The person speaking, regarded as an object; myself; a pronoun of the first person used as the objective and dative case of the pronoum I; as, he struck me; he gave me the money, or he gave the money to me; he got me a hat, or he got a hat for me.

(2): ( pron.) One. See Men, pron.

King James Dictionary [3]

ME, pron. pers. the objective case of I, answering to the oblique cases of ego, in Latin. L. mihi. Follow me give to me go with me. The phrase "I followed me close," is not in use. Before think, as in methinks, me is properly in the dative case,and the verb is impersonal the construction is, it appears to me.
