Martin Rinkart

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Martin Rinkart [1]

preacher and archdeacon at Eilenburg, in Saxony, was born there, April 23, 1586. His official life began at Leipsic, where he obtained the master's degree, and at Eisleben and Endeborn, where he first engaged in the duties of the ministry of the Word. His pastorate in his native town extended over thirty-two years, and covered the entire period of the Thirty Years' War. It is related that a forced contribution of 30,000 thalers having been demanded from the town, Rinkart held a prayer meeting on Feb. 21, 1639, to invoke God's help in the emergency, with the result that the sum demanded was reduced to 8000 florins, then to 4000, and finally to 2000. Pastor Rinkart was also a poet, and wrote hymns which are sung in the churches of Germany today, and are worthy of note because of their jubilant spirit, e.g. Nun danket Alle Gott, etc. Of his writings in other departments, though they were once numerous, but few have been preserved, and they contain nothing that possesses importance at this day. He died Dec. 8, 1649. See Plato, M. Martin Rinkart, etc. (Leips. 1830); Vorkel, Ehrengedachtniss evang. Glaubenshelden u. Sange? (ibid. 1830), 2, 21 sq., 127 sq.; Koch, Gesch. d. deutsch. Kirchenliedes, 2d ed. 1, 144 sq.; 4, 567 sq.
