
From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Webster's Dictionary [1]

(1): ( superl.) Beautiful; handsome; pleasant.

(2): ( superl.) Exhibiting lust or vigor; stout; strong; vigorous; robust; healthful; able of body.

(3): ( superl.) Of large size; big. [Obs.] " Three lusty vessels." Evelyn. Hence, sometimes, pregnant.

(4): ( superl.) Lustful; lascivious.

King James Dictionary [2]

Lust'Y, a. from lust.

1. Stout vigorous robust healthful able of body. this is the correct sense of the word, comprehending full health and strength as a lusty youth. But it is now used in the sense of, 2. Bulky large of great size. This sense does not always include that of vigor. 3. Handsome pleasant saucy. Obs. 4. Copious plentiful as a lusty draught. 5. Pregnant a colloquial use.
