Louis De Bar

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Louis De Bar [1]

a French theologian, was a native of Sens. At theage of thirty he went to Rome, where he embraced the ecclesiastical calling; became secretary of the cardinal of Ferrara; was appointed legate to France to Charles IX, and accompanied to Spain the cardinal Ugo Buoncompagno (afterwards pope Gregory XIII), who appointed him prodatary. After the death of this pontiff, De Bar gave his attention wholly to his functions as dean of the apostolic subdeacons of St. Peter's at Rome, and to the relief of the poor. He died in 1617.: He wrote, among other works, Ex quatuor Evangelistarum Textu Confecta Narratio, which was published four months before the death of the author. See Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Gen., s.v.
