Liberality Liberal Liberally

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Liberality Liberal Liberally [1]

'''A — 1: ἁπλότης (Strong'S #572 — Noun Feminine — haplotes — hap-lot'-ace )

denotes (a) "simplicity, sincerity, unaffectedness" (from haplous, "single, simple," in contrast to diplous, "double"),  Romans 12:8 , "simplicity;"  2 Corinthians 11:3 (in some mss. in   2 Corinthians 1:12 );  Ephesians 6:5;  Colossians 3:22 , singleness;" (b) "simplicity as manifested in generous giving," "liberality,"  2 Corinthians 8:2;  9:11 (Av, "bountifulness," Rv marg., "singleness"); 9:13 (Av, "liberal"). See Bounty , No. 2.

'''A — 2: χάρις (Strong'S #5485 — Noun Feminine — charis — khar'-ece )

is rendered "liberality" in  1 Corinthians 16:3 , Av. See Bounty , No. 3.

'''B — 1: ἁπλῶς (Strong'S #574 — Adverb — haplos — hap-loce' )

"liberally, with singleness of heart," is used in  James 1:5 of God as the gracious and "liberal" Giver. The word may be taken either (a) in a logical sense, signifying unconditionally, simply, or (b) in a moral sense, generously; for the double meaning compare A, No. 1. On this passage Hort writes as follows: "Later writers comprehend under the one word the whole magnanimous and honorable type of character in which singleness of mind is the central feature."
