Leonhard Usteri
Leonhard Usteri [1]
a Swiss theologian, was born Oct. 22, 1799, at Zurich. He studied in his native place, and having been ordained in 1820, he went to "Berlin to attend the lectures of Schleiermacher. In 1823 he returned to his native city, and commenced a course of private lectures on the Pauline epistles. In 1824 he was called to Berne as professor: and director of the gymnasium, and died there Sept. 18, 1833. He combined exact scholarship with philosophic depth and acumen. He wrote, Commentatio Critic, in qua Joannis Evangeliun Genuiinum esse, ex Comparatis IV Evangeliorun de Caetena Ultima et de Passione Jesu Christi Narrationibus Ostenditur (Turici, 1823), written against Bretfshneider: — Entwickelung des Paulinisehen Lehrbegriffes in seinem Verhaltnisse zur. biblischen Dogmatik des Neuen Testaments, etc. (Zurich, 1824; 6th ed. 1851): Commentar Ü ber den Brief Pauli an die Galater (ibid. 1833). He also published some essays in the Stud. u. Krit. See Theolog. Universal-Lex. s.v.; Zuchold, Bibl. Theolog. 2, 1373; Winer, Handbuch der theol. Literatur, 1, 32, 88, 261, 294; 2, 812. (B. P.)