Kernel. [1]
(only in the plur. חִרְצִנַּים , Chartsannim', so called from their Sharp taste; Sept. Στέμφυλαι , Vulg. Uvapassa) is 'understood by the Talmudists (so the A.V.) to mean the grape-stones (Mishna, Nasir. 6:2) as opposed to the skin (" husk"), i.e. the entire substance of the grape from the centre to the surface ( Numbers 6:4). The ancient versions, however, refer it to the sour or Unripe Grapes themselves, and this signification is favored by the use of kindred words in the connate languages. (See further in Gesenius, Thesaur. Ileb. p. 527.) (See Grape).
Kero, a monk of St. Gall, who lived in the 8th century, is considered as the old German commentator of the rule of the Benedictines. His work appeared in the first volume of Schilter's Thesaurus antiquitatum Teutonic., in the second volume of Goldast's Scriptores rerum Aleman., and in the first volume of Hattemer's Denkmale d. Mittelalters. He is also considered as the author of the translation of the Lord's Prayer and the Apostles' Creed into old High-German, and is said to have written the Glossarium Keronis (to be found also in Hattemer's.Denkmale), and a number of hymns, etc. -Pierer, Universal Lex. 8:s.v.