Karl Ludwig Von Haller

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Karl Ludwig Von Haller [1]

was born at Berne Aug. 1, 1768. In 1795 he became secretary of the city council, and in 1800 immigrated to Germany. In 1806 he returned, and became professor of history and statistics at Berne. In 1814 he became member of the city council, and in 1818 made a journey through Italy and to Rome. Having secretly become a member of the Romish Church in 1820, he joined it openly in 1821, and was discharged from his office. He then went to Paris in 1824, and was employed in the ministry of foreign affairs. Having lost that situation in consequence of the Revolution of July 1830, he finally went to Solothurn, where he was in 1834 appointed member of the lesser council. Here he was at the head of the Ultramontane party, and died May 20, 1854. Haller was an ultra-conservative in politics, and was drawn into the Church of Rome by his fanatical hatred of all liberal reforms. His chief work, entitled Restauration der Staatswissenschaften (Winterthur, 1816-1834,6 vols.), was written with the design to annihilate all revolutionary principles in politics. Even many Roman Catholic writers expressed a decided dissent from the anti-liberal doctrines of this work. The most important among his other works are, Lettre a sa famille pour lui declarer son retour a Iglise catholique (Par. 1821; in German by Paulus, Stuttgart, 1821; by Studer, Berne, 1821): Theorie der geistl. Staaten u. Gesellschaften (Winterthur, 1822):Die Freimaurerei u. ihr Einfluss aufd. Schlweiz (Schaffhausen, 1840): Gesch. dir kirchl. Revolut. des Cantons Bern (Lucerne, 1839,4th ed.). See Tzschirner, der Uebertritt des Herrn von H. z. kathotischen Kirche (Lpz. 1821); Krig, Apologie der protestantischen Kirche (Lpz. 1821); Escher, Ueber die Philosophie des Staatsrechts mit bes. Bezieh. auf d. Haller'sche Restauration (Zurich, 1825); Scherer (ultramontane), Die Restauration der Staatswissensch. (Lucerne, 1845).
