Karl Heinrich Heydenreich

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Karl Heinrich Heydenreich [1]

a German philosopher, was born February 19,1764, at Stolpen, in Saxony. He embraced first the philosophy of Spinoza, later that of Kant, and taught the Kantian philosophy as professor at the University of Leipzig from 1789 to 1797. He died April 29, 1801. Among his writings are Naturulnd G Ö tt nach Spinoza (Leipzig, 1788): Philosophie der nat Ü rlichen Religion (Leipzig, 1791, 2 vols): Einleitung i. d. Studien der Philosophie (Leipzig, 1793): Psychologische Entwickelung des Aberglaubens (Leipzig, 1797).Hoefer, Nouv. Biogr. G É neral É , 24, 621; Krug, Handworterbuch d. philos. Tissenschaff, 2, 422.
